◆ Join the CACCC.
◆ Become a CACCC volunteer.
◆ Make a donation to the CACCC.
◆ Provide lunch or meeting space for one or more coalition meetings.
◆ Help us identify potential donors or organizations that might be interested in supporting the work of the CACCC.
We’ll make sure you are at the heart of everything we do. You will be informed of our future events and receive our newsletters via timely emails.
Become A Volunteer
CACCC is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing end of life education and training. Since 2005, we have helped thousands of Chinese with Advance care Planning, hospice, and palliative care, and we have trained many volunteers to accomplish that. Everything we have done could not have been achieved without our incredible volunteer support. Volunteers allow us to tap into the incredible strengths of our community, providing a wonderful way to "give back". Due to the popularity of our Heart to Heart Cafés and the increasing demand for our services, we need new volunteers more than ever. This is where you come in. For what our volunteers tell us is a most rewarding and joyful experience.
CACCC is much in need of volunteers. Volunteers are a treasured resource for us and their contributions and support have made it possible for the organization to move forward. Volunteers can devote their time in many ways such as: assisting community education and Advance Care Planning outreach events, facilitating Heart to Heart® Café, translating educational materials, patient visits through partner agencies, and much more! We will provide training courses for activities that requires special skills.
Download Volunteer/Membership Application Form
Please mail the completed form to:
Chinese American Coalition for Compassionate Care
P.O. Box 276, Cupertino, CA 95015
Or email to: info@caccc-usa.org
CACCC is an all-volunteer nonprofit corporation. We rely on donations and grants to provide free services to the Chinese community. We conduct community outreach on end of life issues. We train hospice volunteers to provide direct patient care at local agencies. We offer health professional workshops on how to best serve Chinese patients and their families. Help us “build a community in which Chinese Americans are able to face the end of life with dignity and respect” by donating what you can. Click the button below to donate through Paypal.
Come partner with us! We value the expertise and perspective that each partner can bring to us. Together we would be able to connect with new audiences and reach out further to our community.
To join our coalition as an organizational member, please complete the form below and either email your completed form to info@caccc-usa.org or mail it to
Chinese American Coalition for Compassionate Care
P.O. Box 276, Cupertino, CA 95015
Download Partner Agency Registration Form

Toll Free Number 免費電話
(866) 661-5687
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Cupertino, CA 95015