
1.大便失禁的處理‭ ‬Managing Bowel Incontinence
2. 膀胱失禁‭的處理 Managing Bladder Incontinence
3.便秘的處理‭ ‬Managing Constipation
4. 慢性阻塞性肺部疾病 C O P D
5. 鴉片藥物引起的便秘處理Managing Opioids Induced Constipation
6. 充血性心臟衰竭 Congestive Heart Failure
7. 瀕死前的脫水Dehydration
8. 末期腎臟病‭ ‬End Stage Kidney Disease
9. 生命末期的飲食及水份問題Food and Fluid Issues
10. 噁心和嘔吐的處理Managing Nausea and Vomiting
11. 如何準備可能性的出血‭ ‬How to Prepare for Potential Bleeding
12. 兒科珠璣‭ ‬Pediatric Pearls
13. 癲癇Seizures
14. 呼吸困難的處理Managing Shortness of Breath
15. 安寧緩和療護Hospice and Palliative Care
16. 疼痛管理‭ ‬Managing Pain
17. 皮膚護理Skin Care
18. 壓瘡的預防Prevention of Pressure Ulcers
19. 補助療法‭ ‬Complementary Therapies
20. 最後的幾天‭ ‬Final Days

1. 如何處理焦慮‭ ‬How to Manage Anxiety
2. 譫妄的處理Managing Delirium
3. 憂鬱處理Managing Depression
4. 焦躁不安的處理‭ ‬Managing Restlessness
5. 精神困擾Psychological Distress
6. 社交困擾Social Distress
7. 靈性困擾‭ ‬Spiritual Distress
8. 失智症Dementia

1. 幫助家人管理疲倦Assisting Families to Manage Fatigue
2.照護者之自我照顧Self-Care for the Caregiver
3. 悲傷與哀悼‭ ‬Grief and Mourning
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