CACCC conducts various volunteer training programs and community educational events in Southern California, Northern California and Sacramento to raise the awareness of the End-of-Life care and concerns. The activities include:
◆ Community education and Advance Care Planning outreach
◆ Heart to Heart® Café
◆ Health Fair and Presentation
◆ Health Professional Forum
◆ Health Professional Training
◆ Hospice and Palliative Care Volunteer Training
◆ Heart to Heart® Café Facilitator Training
◆ Patient visits through partner agencies
◆ Fundraising Events
◆ Translation and production of Chinese end-of-life care resources and educational publications, and videos
◆ Community education and Advance Care Planning outreach
◆ Heart to Heart® Café
◆ Health Fair and Presentation
◆ Health Professional Forum
◆ Health Professional Training
◆ Hospice and Palliative Care Volunteer Training
◆ Heart to Heart® Café Facilitator Training
◆ Patient visits through partner agencies
◆ Fundraising Events
◆ Translation and production of Chinese end-of-life care resources and educational publications, and videos
Email 郵箱
Toll Free Number 免費電話
(866) 661-5687
Leave a message and someone will contact you.
Toll Free Number 免費電話
(866) 661-5687
Leave a message and someone will contact you.
Mailing Address 通訊地址
P.O. Box 276,
Cupertino, CA 95015
Cupertino, CA 95015