
美華慈心關懷聯盟前董事周志鴻先生於西元2018年7月10日晚上在他最親愛的朋友家人,女兒 周依依,兒子周奇, 和妻子惠美的陪同下安祥的辭世。志鴻豐沛的生命活力與精神,對朋友的真摰誠懇及深厚情誼和他對家人無盡無私的親子之情令人無法忘懷。志鴻他特殊及富有感染力的笑容,他的那顆赤子之心,和他那無時不刻充滿機智風趣及幽默的性格將被所有認識他的朋友永遠銘誌在心。 1980年,志鴻從台灣台北搬到美國加州首府沙加緬度.在這個首善之都,他開始了多彩多姿的大學生活,結交到許多推心置腹的朋友並且和他們建立了永久醇厚的友誼。他也在這個城市建立了一個美滿幸福的家庭,有著一位賢慧的妻子及兩個令人驕傲的子女;志鴻最喜歡涉獵各種不同層次及多方面的知識及學趣,他喜歡和朋友聚首通宵達旦的暢談天下古今各種雜談軼事;他那得自母親真傳的悦耳歌聲更是眾多好友在各種大小僑社活動及私人派對上令人期待的表演。他更愛邀請親朋好友共聚一堂,分享他親手烹調的美饌佳餚;他對某些人與事的急智對應及幽默風趣的軼事總是在朋友們間廣為流傳引為佳話。 志鴻畢生都熱衷於美國加州中谷地區及其地緣附近的美籍亞裔社團事務, 致力於促進華裔僑社與母國的互動,更盡其所能的推動中西文化互相交流及全方位的推廣中華文化。他創立及參與的社團和僑務活動包括了以下: 美國加州首府雙子流域扶輪社創社主席,世界日報舊金山中谷辦事處顧問,美國亞太裔聯盟媒體部資深顧問,美華慈心關懷聯盟董事,美國沙加緬度中華文化基金會理事,沙加緬度至德三德公所主席,沙加緬度獅子會首府分會會長,美國加州首府台灣文化基金會顧問和加州北美宏星衛星電視台兩岸下午茶節目主持人。

Steve's association with the CACCC began as a volunteer. He soon became a member of our Advisory Board, and in 2007 was a Founding Member of the CACCC corporate board. Steve was our first Board Secretary and was heavily involved in committee work, serving on the Translation Team, the Speakers Bureau, the Drama Team, and the Events Committee. He also devoted his time to patient care, doing home visits when people were in need. Steve stepped down from the Board in 2009 to spend more time with his daughter Joy who was entering her junior year of high school. He balanced his time in this world, as a husband, father, and employee by volunteering with several community agencies, including the Mahabodi Society of USA and the American Cancer Society, Chinese Unit in addition to his volunteer work with the CACCC. He was a trusted friend and a mindful practitioner of his Buddhist faith. His eagerness to learn, his compassion, his desire to serve and to teach all served as a role model for our Board and all the volunteers who knew him. He will be greatly missed.
Visit Steven Hsiaofeng Chen's memorial website:
The following was written by HUANG, MA MA,
who passed away earlier this year.
She is the mother of CACCC Board Member, Cindy Chen.
who passed away earlier this year.
She is the mother of CACCC Board Member, Cindy Chen.


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