“Embracing The World With Hope” 2022 CACCC Essay Contest
「懷著希望,迎向世界」2022 年美華慈心關懷聯盟有獎徵文活動
In celebration of our 17th year of compassionate service, the Chinese American Coalition for Compassionate Care (CACCC) is proud to host our second essay contest, “Embracing the World with Hope”. Our goal and hope are to engage the global community and increase awareness on the importance of advance care planning, documenting health care and medical wishes at the end of life by showcasing meaningful stories that reflect the best of humanity during one of the most difficult and challenging times in our lives: saying goodbye to family members and loved ones with hope and no regrets.
The global pandemic, notwithstanding, we hope that you will be encouraged to share your story, your thoughts with others who may be inspired and moved by your words, insight and perspective on the importance of honoring and respecting end-of-life care wishes.
Please share your story and carefully read the essay contest criteria. Essay submission deadline is 11:59pm (PT), July 10, 2022.
Who may participate
Any United States resident and CACCC global volunteers are welcomed to participate. Those under 18 years of age will need a parent or guardian’s signature. Please limit only one entry per person.
Essay format
Participation Categories
How to enter
Please email completed registration form and final essay in Word format (soft copy) to: info@caccc-usa.org. Final essays submitted without completed registration forms will not be accepted. The essay title should be in the final essay; however, no identifying information of the entrant should be included on the essay. If you have any questions, please leave a voice mail at
All essays must be emailed and received by 11:59 pm (PT), July 10, 2022. Entries received after this time/date will not be accepted. Winners will be notified by phone or email, prior to posting and announcing winners on the CACCC website on August 15, 2022.
How essays will be judged
Essays will be judged on the following basis and criteria: Theme 25%; Content 25%; Structure 25%, and Originality and Creativity 25%.
Registration Form: https://forms.gle/JpxuN2uvebT9VWB19 or scan QR code, or fill out the registration form and email your essay and registration form to info@caccc-usa.org before the deadline.

All entrants are required to agree to and sign the consent form below:
The global pandemic, notwithstanding, we hope that you will be encouraged to share your story, your thoughts with others who may be inspired and moved by your words, insight and perspective on the importance of honoring and respecting end-of-life care wishes.
Please share your story and carefully read the essay contest criteria. Essay submission deadline is 11:59pm (PT), July 10, 2022.
Who may participate
Any United States resident and CACCC global volunteers are welcomed to participate. Those under 18 years of age will need a parent or guardian’s signature. Please limit only one entry per person.
Essay format
- Typed in Chinese or English, in Word format
- Double space, 12-point font
- < 1,200 words (including title). Essays exceeding 1,200 words will not be accepted.
Participation Categories
- General public: Please share your personal thoughts, feelings, and experiences with friends and loved ones at their end of life.
- Healthcare provider: Please share your personal and professional perspective and insights with patients and families facing end-of-life decisions.
How to enter
Please email completed registration form and final essay in Word format (soft copy) to: info@caccc-usa.org. Final essays submitted without completed registration forms will not be accepted. The essay title should be in the final essay; however, no identifying information of the entrant should be included on the essay. If you have any questions, please leave a voice mail at
All essays must be emailed and received by 11:59 pm (PT), July 10, 2022. Entries received after this time/date will not be accepted. Winners will be notified by phone or email, prior to posting and announcing winners on the CACCC website on August 15, 2022.
How essays will be judged
Essays will be judged on the following basis and criteria: Theme 25%; Content 25%; Structure 25%, and Originality and Creativity 25%.
Registration Form: https://forms.gle/JpxuN2uvebT9VWB19 or scan QR code, or fill out the registration form and email your essay and registration form to info@caccc-usa.org before the deadline.

All entrants are required to agree to and sign the consent form below:
- Entrants accept all responsibility for late, lost, misdirected, or illegible essays.
- Essay must be the sole, original, and unpublished work of the entrant. Essays must not infringe on any third-party rights. Essays found to be plagiarized, previously published, or those that have previously won awards or competitions will be disqualified.
- Winning entrants acknowledge and agree that they waive all rights of any kind whatsoever to their essays and that their essays become the property of CACCC, which thereby has the right to edit, adapt, modify, reproduce, publish, promote, and otherwise use essays in any way CACCC sees fit, without further compensation, except where is prohibited by law. Acceptance of prize award constitutes permission to use the winners' names, likenesses, cities, and statements, without further compensation, except where is prohibited by law.
Email 郵箱
Toll Free Number 免費電話
(866) 661-5687
Leave a message and someone will contact you.
Toll Free Number 免費電話
(866) 661-5687
Leave a message and someone will contact you.
Mailing Address 通訊地址
P.O. Box 276,
Cupertino, CA 95015
Cupertino, CA 95015